Friday, March 20, 2009


ASTHMAAsthma is characterized clinically by recurrent bouts of coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing; physiologically by widespread, reversible narrowing of the bronchial airways and a marked increase in bronchial responsiveness to inhaled stimuli; and pathologically by lymphocytic, eosinophilic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It is also characterized pathologically by remodeling of the bronchial mucosa, with deposition of collagen beneath the epithelium's lamina reticularis and hyperplasia of the cells of all structural elements¾vessels, smooth muscle, and secretory glands and goblet cells.In mild asthma, symptoms occur only occasionally, as on exposure to allergens or certain pollutants, on exercise, or after a viral upper respiratory infection. More severe forms of asthma are associated with frequent attacks of wheezing dyspnea, especially at night, and may be associated with chronic airway narrowing, causing chronic respiratory impairment. These consequences of asthma are regarded as largely preventable, because effective treatments for relief of acute bronchoconstriction ("short term relievers") and for reduction in symptoms and prevention of attacks ("long-term controllers") are available (but underutilized).The causes of airway narrowing in acute asthmatic attacks include contraction of airway smooth muscle, inspissation of thick, viscid mucus plugs in the airway lumen, and thickening of the bronchial mucosa from edema, cellular infiltration, and hyperplasia of secretory, vascular, and smooth muscle cells. Of these causes of airway obstruction, contraction of smooth muscle is most easily reversed by current therapy; reversal of the edema and cellular infiltration requires sustained treatment with anti-inflammatory agents.Short-term relief is thus most effectively achieved by agents that relax airway smooth muscle, of which b-adrenoceptor stimulants are the most effective and most widely used. Theophylline, a methylxanthine drug, and antimuscarinic agents are also used for reversal of airway constriction.Long-term control is most effectively achieved with an anti-inflammatory agent such as an inhaled corticosteroid. It can also be achieved, though less effectively, with a leukotriene pathway antagonist or an inhibitor of mast cell degranulation, such as cromolyn or nedocromil. Finally, clinical trials have established the efficacy of treatment for asthma with a humanized monoclonal antibody, omalizumab, which is specifically targeted against IgE, the antibody responsible for allergic sensitization.The distinction between "short-term relievers" and "long-term controllers" has become blurred. Theophylline, regarded as a bronchodilator, inhibits some lymphocyte functions and modestly reduces airway mucosal inflammation. Inhaled corticosteroids, regarded as long-term controllers, produce modest immediate bronchodilation. Two recently released long-acting b-adrenoceptor stimulants, salmeterol and formoterol, appear to be effective in improving asthma control when added to inhaled corticosteroid treatment.PATHOGENESIS OF ASTHMAThe classic immunologic model of asthma presents it as a disease mediated by reaginic immune globulin (IgE). Foreign materials that provoke IgE production are described as "allergens"; the most common are proteins from house dust mite, cockroach, cat dander, molds, and pollens. The tendency to produce IgE antibodies is genetically determined; asthma and other allergic diseases cluster in families. Once produced, IgE antibodies bind to mast cells in the airway mucosa . On reexposure to a specific allergen, antigen-antibody interaction on the surface of the mast cells triggers both the release of mediators stored in the cells' granules and the synthesis and release of other mediators. The histamine, tryptase, leukotrienes C4 and D4, and prostaglandin D2, when released, diffuse through the airway mucosa triggering the muscle contraction and vascular leakage responsible for the acute bronchoconstriction of the "early asthmatic response." This response is often followed in 4-6 hours by a second, more sustained phase of bronchoconstriction, the "late asthmatic response," which is associated with an influx of inflammatory cells into the bronchial mucosa and with an increase in bronchial responsiveness that may last for several weeks after a single inhalation of allergen. The mediators responsible for this late response are thought to be cytokines characteristically produced by TH2 lymphocytes, especially interleukins 5, 9, and 13. The cytokines are thought to attract and activate eosinophils, stimulate IgE production by B lymphocytes, and directly stimulate mucus production by bronchial epithelial cells. It is not clear whether lymphocytes or mast cells in the airway mucosa are the primary source of the mediators responsible for the late inflammatory response, but the benefits of corticosteroid therapy are attributed to their inhibition of cytokine production in the airways.The allergen challenge model does not reproduce all the features of asthma. Most asthma attacks are not triggered by inhalation of allergens. They are triggered by viral respiratory infection. Some adults with asthma have no evidence of allergic sensitivity to allergens, and even in people with allergic sensitivity, the severity of symptoms correlates poorly with levels of allergen in the atmosphere. Moreover, bronchospasm can be provoked by nonallergenic stimuli such as distilled water, exercise, cold air, sulfur dioxide, and rapid respiratory maneuvers.This tendency to develop bronchospasm on encountering stimuli that do not affect healthy nonasthmatic airways is characteristic of asthma and is sometimes called "nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity" to distinguish it from bronchial responsiveness to specific antigens. Bronchial reactivity is assessed by measuring the fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) provoked by inhaling serially increasing concentrations of aerosolized methacholine. The exaggerated reactivity of the airways appears to be fundamental to asthma's pathogenesis, because it is nearly ubiquitous in patients with asthma and its degree correlates with the clinical severity of the disease.The mechanisms underlying bronchial hyperreactivity are somehow related to inflammation of the airway mucosa. The agents that increase bronchial reactivity, such as ozone exposure, allergen inhalation, and infection with respiratory viruses, also cause airway inflammation. The increase in reactivity due to allergen inhalation is associated with an increase in both eosinophils and polymorphonuclear leukocytes in bronchial lavage fluid. The increase in reactivity that is associated with the late asthmatic response to allergen inhalation is sustained and, because it is prevented by treatment with an inhaled corticosteroid, is thought to be caused by airway inflammation.Whatever the mechanisms responsible for bronchial hyperreactivity, bronchoconstriction itself seems to result not simply from the direct effect of the released mediators but also from their activation of neural or humoral pathways. Evidence for the importance of neural pathways stems largely from studies of laboratory animals. The bronchospasm provoked in dogs by inhalation of histamine is reduced by pretreatment with an inhaled topical anesthetic agent, by transection of the vagus nerves, and by pretreatment with atropine. Studies of asthmatic humans, however, have shown that treatment with atropine causes only a reduction in¾not abolition of¾the bronchospastic responses to antigens and to nonantigenic stimuli. It is possible that activity in another neural pathway, such as the nonadrenergic, noncholinergic system, contributes to bronchomotor responses stimuli .The hypothesis suggested by these studies¾that asthmatic bronchospasm results from a combination of release of mediators and an exaggeration of responsiveness to their effects¾predicts that asthma may be effectively treated by drugs with different modes of action. Asthmatic bronchospasm might be reversed or prevented, for example, by drugs that reduce the amount of IgE bound to mast cells (anti-IgE antibody), prevent mast cell degranulation (cromolyn or nedocromil, sympathomimetic agents, calcium channel blockers), block the action of the products released (antihistamines and leukotriene receptor antagonists), inhibit the effect of acetylcholine released from vagal motor nerves (muscarinic antagonists), or directly relax airway smooth muscle (sympathomimetic agents, theophylline).The second approach to the treatment of asthma is aimed not only at preventing or reversing acute bronchospasm but at reducing the level of bronchial responsiveness. Because increased responsiveness appears to be linked to airway inflammation and because airway inflammation is a feature of late asthmatic responses, this strategy is implemented both by reducing exposure to the allergens that provoke inflammation and by prolonged therapy with anti-inflammatory agents, especially inhaled corticosteroids.

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY OF DRUGS USED IN THE TREATMENT OF ASTHMAINTRODUCTIONAsthma is best thought of as a disease in two time domains. In the present domain, it is important for the distress it causes¾cough, nocturnal awakenings, and shortness of breath that interferes with the ability to exercise or to pursue desired activities. For mild asthma, occasional inhalation of a bronchodilator may be all that is needed. For more severe asthma, treatment with a long-term controller, like an inhaled corticosteroid, is necessary to relieve symptoms and restore function. The second domain of asthma is the risk it presents of future events, such as exacerbations, or of progressive loss of pulmonary function. A patient's satisfaction with his or her ability to control symptoms and maintain function by frequent use of an inhaled b2 agonist does not mean that the risk of future events is also controlled. In fact, use of two or more canisters of an inhaled b agonist per month is a marker of increased risk of asthma fatality.The challenges of assessing severity and adjusting therapy for these two domains of asthma are different. For relief of distress in the present domain, the key information can be obtained by asking specific questions about the frequency and severity of symptoms, the frequency of use of an inhaled b2 agonist for relief of symptoms, the frequency of nocturnal awakenings, and the ability to exercise. Estimating the risk for future exacerbations is more difficult. In general, patients with poorly controlled symptoms in the present have a heightened risk of exacerbations in the future, but some patients seem unaware of the severity of their underlying airflow obstruction (sometimes described as "poor perceivers") and can be identified only by measurement of pulmonary function, as by spirometry. Reductions in the FEV1 correlate with heightened risk of attacks of asthma in the future. Other possible markers of heightened risk are unstable pulmonary function (large variations in FEV1 from visit to visit, large change with bronchodilator treatment), extreme bronchial reactivity, or high numbers of eosinophils in sputum or of nitric oxide in exhaled air. Assessment of these features may identify patients who need increases in therapy for protection against exacerbations.BRONCHODILATORSBronchodilators, such as inhaled albuterol, are rapidly effective, safe, and inexpensive. Patients with only occasional symptoms of asthma require no more than an inhaled b2-receptor agonist taken on an as-needed basis. If symptoms require this "rescue" therapy more than twice a week, if nocturnal symptoms occur more than twice a month, or if the FEV1 is less than 80% predicted, additional treatment is needed. The treatment first recommended is a low dose of an inhaled corticosteroid, although treatment with a leukotriene receptor antagonist or with cromolyn may be used. Theophylline is now largely reserved for patients in whom symptoms remain poorly controlled despite the combination of regular treatment with an inhaled anti-inflammatory agent and as-needed use of a b2 agonist. If the addition of theophylline fails to improve symptoms or if adverse effects become bothersome, it is important to check the plasma level of theophylline to be sure it is in the therapeutic range (10-20 mg/L).An important caveat for patients with mild asthma is that although the risk of a severe, life-threatening attack is lower than in patients with severe asthma, it is not zero. All patients with asthma should be instructed in a simple action plan for severe, frightening attacks: to take up to four puffs of albuterol every 20 minutes over 1 hour. If they do not note clear improvement after the first four puffs, they should take the additional treatments while on their way to an Emergency Department or some other higher level of care.MUSCARINIC ANTAGONISTSInhaled muscarinic antagonists have so far earned a limited place in the treatment of asthma. When adequate doses are given, their effect on baseline airway resistance is nearly as great as that of the sympathomimetic drugs. The airway effects of antimuscarinic and sympathomimetic drugs given in full doses have been shown to be additive only in patients with severe airflow obstruction who present for emergency care. Antimuscarinic agents appear to be of greater value in COPD¾perhaps more so than in asthma. They are also useful as alternative therapies for patients intolerant of b2-adrenoceptor agonists.Although it was predicted that muscarinic antagonists would dry airway secretions and interfere with mucociliary clearance, direct measurements of fluid volume secretion from single airway submucosal glands in animals show that atropine decreases baseline secretory rates only slightly. The drugs do, however, inhibit the increase in mucus secretion caused by vagal stimulation. No cases of inspissation of mucus have been reported following administration of these drugs.CORTICOSTEROIDSIf asthmatic symptoms occur frequently or if significant airflow obstruction persists despite bronchodilator therapy, inhaled corticosteroids should be started. For patients with severe symptoms or severe airflow obstruction (eg, FEV1 < name="o60919">CROMOLYN & NEDOCROMIL; LEUKOTRIENE ANTAGONISTSCromolyn or nedocromil by inhalation, or a leukotriene-receptor antagonist as an oral tablet, may be considered as alternatives to inhaled corticosteroid treatment in patients with symptoms occurring more than twice a week or who are wakened from sleep by asthma more than twice a month. Neither treatment is as effective as even a low dose of an inhaled corticosteroid, but both prevent the issue of "steroid phobia" described above.Cromolyn and nedocromil may also be useful in patients whose symptoms occur seasonally or after clear-cut inciting stimuli such as exercise or exposure to animal danders or irritants. In patients whose symptoms are continuous or occur without an obvious inciting stimulus, the value of these drugs can be established only with a therapeutic trial of inhaled drug four times a day for 4 weeks. If the patient responds to this therapy, the dose can then be optimized.Treatment with a leukotriene-receptor antagonist, particularly montelukast, is widely prescribed, especially by primary care providers. Taken orally, leukotriene-receptor antagonists are easy to use and appear to be taken more regularly than inhaled corticosteroids. They are rarely associated with troublesome side effects. Maintenance therapy with a leukotriene antagonist or with cromolyn or nedocromil appears to be roughly as effective as maintenance therapy with theophylline. Because of concerns over the possible long-term toxicity of systemic absorption of inhaled corticosteroids, this maintenance therapy has become widely used for treating children in the USA.

ANTI-IGE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODYTreatment with omalizumab, the monoclonal humanized anti-IgE antibody, is reserved for patients with chronic severe asthma inadequately controlled by high-dose inhaled corticosteroid plus long-acting b-agonist combination treatment (eg, fluticasone 500 mcg plus salmeterol 50 mcg inhaled twice daily). This treatment reduces lymphocytic, eosinophilic bronchial inflammation and effectively reduces the frequency and severity of exacerbations. It is reserved for patients with demonstrated IgE-mediated sensitivity (by positive skin test or radioallergosorbent test [RAST] to common allergens) and an IgE level within a range that can be reduced sufficiently by twice weekly subcutaneous injection.OTHER ANTI-INFLAMMATORY THERAPIESSome reports suggest that agents commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis may also be used to treat patients with chronic steroid-dependent asthma. The development of an alternative treatment is important, because chronic treatment with oral corticosteroids may cause osteoporosis, cataracts, glucose intolerance, worsening of hypertension, and cushingoid changes in appearance. Initial studies suggested that oral methotrexate or gold salt injections were beneficial in prednisone-dependent asthmatics, but subsequent studies did not confirm this promise. In contrast, the benefit from treatment with cyclosporine seems real. However, this drug's great toxicity makes this finding only a source of hope that other immunomodulatory therapies will ultimately be developed for the small proportion of patients whose asthma can be managed only with high oral doses of prednisone. An immunomodulatory therapy recently reported to improve asthma is injection of etanercept, a TNF-a antagonist used for treatment of ankylosing spondylitis and severe rheumatoid arthritis.MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE ASTHMAThe treatment of acute attacks of asthma in patients reporting to the hospital requires close, continuous clinical assessment and repeated objective measurement of lung function. For patients with mild attacks, inhalation of a b2-receptor agonist is as effective as subcutaneous injection of epinephrine. Both of these treatments are more effective than intravenous administration of aminophylline (a soluble salt of theophylline). Severe attacks require treatment with oxygen, frequent or continuous administration of aerosolized albuterol, and systemic treatment with prednisone or methylprednisolone (0.5 mg/kg every 6 hours). Even this aggressive treatment is not invariably effective, and patients must be watched closely for signs of deterioration. General anesthesia, intubation, and mechanical ventilation of asthmatic patients cannot be undertaken lightly but may be lifesaving if respiratory failure supervenes.PROSPECTS FOR PREVENTIONThe high prevalence of asthma in the developed world and its rapid increases in the developing world call for a strategy for primary prevention. Strict antigen avoidance during infancy, once thought to be sensible, has now been shown to be ineffective. In fact, growing up in a household where cats and dogs are kept as pets may protect against developing asthma. The best hope seems to lie in understanding the importance of microbial exposures during infancy in shaping a balanced immune response, and one study showing that feeding Lactobacillus caseii to infants born to allergic parents reduced the rate of allergic dermatitis at age 2 years offers reason for hope.

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