Friday, March 13, 2009

بناءا على قرار الدكتور سامر نوري اعطاء محاضرة DMالاسبوع القادم وبناءا على الجولة العلمية التي قمت بها والزميلة استبرق في مركز امراض السكري في م0الصدر

Diabetus Mellitus--DM--

DM:is group of disease charactrised by decrease concentration or impaired action of insulin with several metabolic disorder as;
2-Glycation of protiens.
.3- several events.


Dignosis of DM acheived when fasting blood glocose level higher than 7mmol\L and random B.G.L higher than 11.1mmol\L. for at at least 2 occation.

1-Type -I- DM;
The incidence of this type 15% .The age is mostly less than 40 years. the cause absolute insulin defficiency.
Ketoacidosis is frequent. insulin required for treatment.
The incidence 85%.The age more than 40 years.the cause impaired action or secretion of insulin.Ketoacidosis less frequent.treatedby insulin or OHA.

3-Other types of DM:
a-genetic defect of B-cell function or insulin action.
b-absolute insulin defficiency;as panceatic disease,cystic fibrosis.
c-relative insulin defficiency;asacromegaly,cushing disease.
d-Drugs as thiazide, interferon,glococorticoid.
e- Infection; cytomegalo virus
f- Genetic syndrome;Downs and turner syndrome.

4- Gestation DM.
5- Impaired glucose tolerance: normal fasting but abnormal random BGL.

Acute complication of DM:

1- Ketoacidosis.
2- Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma.
3- Hypoglycemia.

Chronic complication ofDM;
1-Nephropathy: As RF, proteinuria.
2-Retinopathy: As cataract because of glycosylation of lens protein.
3-Angiopathy: As thrombosis, atherosclerosis.
4-Neuropathy: Astingling sensation of feet and hands treated by tegretol.

Types of drugs used in DM:
1-oral hypoglycemic agent.Include,Dionil, Novonorm, Metformin and other.
2-Insulin:asmixtard,Lenti,Semilenti,Soluble insulin and other.

----------------------------------------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-------------------------------------Good Luck From Zh aljamal.

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